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Words matter


Because if we know exactly what's going on, it's easier to take action to change it.

How do people use language with dogs?

My dog is so….

Pick your adjective:defiant/ dominant/ aggressive/ wilful/ naughty/ disobedient/ friendly/ sweet etc

Adjectives label the person/ animal. They give absolutely NO INFORMATION about what the person/ animal has done to earn that label.

When others hear the label their brain draws up a quick picture based on their own experience. The person who gave the animal the label has also given it because of their own past experience.

One overused word is FRIENDLY. "It's ok, my dog is friendly." Meanwhile the dog is approaching with stiff body language, perhaps hackles up, closed mouth, intensely staring. Um, no. In this moment your dog is not showing signs of friendliness. They might not be aggressive, and the meeting might usually end well but right now, they're not giving off friendly signals. Change your word please and consider giving other dogs some space.

FWIW I don’t use words like smart/ intelligent/ dumb etc. We’re all good at some stuff and not at others; so are our kids and so are our dogs.

If the word explains what the dog/ person is doing, then you have a verb.

My dog is…

pick your verb:

biting, barking, escaping, fighting, whining, growling, playing

and we usually add a bit more information…guarding (her food), wagging (her tail), playing (with a ball).

I still use adjectives a bit, but only if I think they add value to how I understand the animal/ person and how to work with them. I always observe behaviour first, so I can explain why I feel able to use that description e.g. socially anxious/ emotionally or physically sensitive/ over aroused/ frustrated etc.

Start noticing and describing behaviour rather than using labels.


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