Why work with me?
If you are open to trying something different, you might find my approach suits you and your dog.
Emotional regulation is always our ​
start point.
We won't just work with your dog's brain, and try and teach them stuff.
We'll work with their body.
Diet, appropriate exercise, play, massage, calming, and confidence building activities, are all part of the Wings system.
We want your dog to feel safe, to be able to pay attention and to think straight, before we try and train them.
If you've reached the point of loving,
but not liking, your dog very much,
Have hope.
You can like your dog again!
Save yourself a lot of hassle
Many kind, well meaning owners give their dogs far too much freedom far too early. This leads to many frustrating training and behaviour problems like toileting in the house, harrassing visitors, chasing other animals, not coming when called etc.
I can show you how to set fair, sensible boundaries with your dog to avoid problems.
(This is the only quick fix I can offer you, and believe me, the results are indeed quick!)
Find some ideas here.
What do they actually KNOW?
Dog training is like the education system. Each level has increasingly advanced teaching and expectations e.g. preschool, early primary, later primary, intermediate, college, university.
A dog trained in the backyard or at a class while you hold food, may look like they 'know' what you want, but they may only know what you want in a SITUATION which looks like that.
When they completely ignore you elsewhere, it is very probably because you are asking for university level skills from a dog with lower level education. They simply cannot do what you ask.
I can show you what to look for and how to train to
more advanced levels.
Communication works both ways
It's not just about training what we want our dog to do, when we want them to do it. They're not machines.
When we better understand their emotions, we become aware they may not be able to
function right now.
Listening, observing, and understanding build trust.
When trust is present, our dogs can expect that what we ask of them will be safe and fair.
They will be more able, and likely, to do what they're asked.
I will help you understand what your dog might be trying to tell you, so you can be fair with what you ask and can help them regulate their emotions.
Emotions lead - behaviour follows.
Formal Education
(Lincoln University)
*Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Waikato University) *Feuerstein courses
in thinking
(1 & 2)
*SOLO taxonomy of learning
*Concept teaching
Online learning
about dog behaviour,
training and handling.
e.g. Fenzi courses
*Reducing arousal
*Agility handling
*Co-operative care
Dog Centred Care
*Working through trauma
Illis ABC
*Animal Emotions
Reading books about people e.g.
*Thanks for the Feedback
*Atomic Habits
*The Talent Code
*The Gifts of Imperfection
*The Body Keeps
the Score
Dog training and behaviour seminars e.g.
*Sarah Stremming
*Patricia McConnell
*Sophia Yin
*Bob Bailey
*Cristine Dahl
*Susan Garrett
Reading books about dogs e.g.
*Control Unleashed
*Fired up, Frantic and Freaked out
*The Body Language and Emotions of Dogs
*Calming Signals

I'm Diana Bird.
This is me with my much loved border collie, Spring, preparing for a run in agility.
If you are thinking about working with me, this is what to expect.
1. Big picture thinking. Feelings matter. When we are rushed and anxious, or lack confidence, or are angry and frustrated – it affects many corners of our lives, not just our dog training.
I am always looking for ways to help you take steps which will be useful for living with your dog AND life in general.
2. Clear communication. I like to get to the point and use understandable language. I'll also help you establish a clear communication system with your dog. The bonus is that this can cross over into improved communication with people too.
3. Curiosity. I'm curious. I want you to be curious too. Please ask questions!
4. Empathy. If you love your dog, are doing the best you can, want my support to move you forward, and are willing to invest some time and energy into doing that, we will work together well.
I aim to provide you and your dog with a genuine learning zone. I want you to feel free to take learning risks, get support, ask questions, try, make mistakes, adjust what you’ve done, try again, celebrate successes, lament difficulties and also have a laugh!
If I don’t know something, I’ll find out. If your difficulties are beyond the scope of my knowledge and skills, I’ll support you to find someone more able to help.
I became a trainer because of the struggles I had to work through with my own dogs. I understand how hard it can be to live with a wild, bitey puppy or a reactive dog.