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The Blog
Welcome to the Wings Blog.
Dec 3, 20242 min read
Believing something doesn't make it true.
We're humans and we communicate with our dogs from our human perspective. Our dogs are not humans. Thinking of them as such is often not...
Aug 25, 20241 min read
Emotional regulation
"Emotional self-regulation is the ability to modify or control your thoughts, emotions, actions, and words, ... Self-regulating your...
Aug 21, 20242 min read
Other ways we get motivated to do things we might not want to do.
What works best for you? Here are some suggestions. *Working to deadlines? *Trying to prove a point to yourself? *Trying to prove a point...
Aug 20, 20242 min read
Waiting for motivation to exercise/ train your dog.
We tend to think of motivation as the feeling that we WANT to do something and will ENJOY doing it. Motivation isn't that simple. Every...
Aug 10, 20241 min read
Sensitivity - strength or weakness?
Teaching any person or animal well can be difficult. Learning can also be difficult.
Aug 2, 20241 min read
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
There can be no timeline on behaviour change, because it's a process, not a product and everyone is different.
Aug 1, 20242 min read
“We see what we believe, not the other way around.” – Seth
I want to be a 'good dog owner' , so I do things that I think 'good dog owners' would do. I'm not perfect and not trying to be. I don't...
Aug 1, 20241 min read
"Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda
I have always loved to be active in the outdoors. Actually for the sake of my mental health, I NEED to be active in the outdoors. Dog...
Apr 15, 20242 min read
Understand the conversation you're in.
This morning I watched this interview. (I found it so interesting that I'm gonna have to...
Apr 15, 20243 min read
Understand the learning process.
Most people who get a dog know the basics of teaching some skills. Pretty much the first thing people teach a puppy is 'sit' (product),...
Apr 13, 20242 min read
Become a better dog trainer/human coach.
If we all work to become better coaches and use those skills widely, the world will be a better place. Here's an overview. Coaching...
Mar 20, 20242 min read
Defining fun
As you know, I train and compete in agility. Newbies and people who are struggling are often told to get out there and ‘have fun’. I can...
Mar 3, 20241 min read
"Disobedience happens when the dog is undertrained or undermotivated to comply." Anon Undertraining is your responsibility, but not your...
Feb 17, 20241 min read
Moods colour our world
Emotions, like the weather, come and go. Moods hang around for longer. Just as a climate shapes the sort of weather that is likely, moods...
Feb 1, 20241 min read
Do you want to be a good dog owner?
"The Recipe for Sustained Success ... 1. Decide the type of person you want to be. 2. Prove it to yourself with small wins. First, decide...
Feb 1, 20242 min read
Words matter
Why? Because if we know exactly what's going on, it's easier to take action to change it. How do people use language with dogs? My dog is...
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