Outside forces can help out, but the body has to do the healing.
Not all outside forces are as useful as others e.g. continuing to try and walk on a broken leg will interfere with healing. A cast which immobilises the leg will be far more helpful.
We know the healing of a broken leg will take some time. There's not just the healing, there's the muscle wastage which needs time to recover once the plaster is off.
The mind must heal itself too.
Behaviour issues also need time.
This is one of the hardest things to come to terms with.
Something which is damaged so quickly ( e.g.a dog attack which destroys your pup's confidence around other dogs) unfortunately often cannot be healed anywhere near as quickly. (Just like broken legs...)
Sometimes behaviour never fully recovers. There's always fallout from the trauma. (Sometimes broken legs never fully recover either.)
Please don't launch into trying to fix a sudden problem - especially if you think it involves trauma and BIG emotions for your dog.
Give yourself and the dog some time. You probably need some emotional recovery time and time to research the best healing approach. The dog also needs a rest from pressure and distress. (Remember you wouldn't ask them to walk on a broken leg.)